June 2016
New E-Brake Shoes
Jun/27/2016 Filed in: Phase III

We added new emergency brake shoes. As you can see they were worn down to the rivets.
Lunch at Dick's Drive In
Jun/27/2016 Filed in: Phase III

Five years ago, on August 25, 2011, we took our last ride in the pre-restoration Jeep to Dick’s Drive In, (a popular fast food restaurant chain in Seattle since 1960) and promised we would never come back until the Jeep was fully restored. It was to be an added motivation because we all loved to eat there. We did not anticipate it would be five years later! Never the less, it was a wonderful milestone event and the burgers, fries and a milkshakes were better than ever! Way to go team!
It's Done! (Well Almost)
Jun/23/2016 Filed in: Phase III

We took the Jeep back on the road after a five year frame off restoration. It's hard to explain the feeling of accomplishment and pride we have in the project. We'll be taking it to shows and parades over the summer and of course tweaking it here and there.
Checking for Leaks
Jun/18/2016 Filed in: Phase III

Finally it was time to check the engine, adjust the timing, check and fix fluid leaks and let it run awhile to make sure everything is ready for the first road trip since the restoration.
Temporary Solex Carburetor
Jun/17/2016 Filed in: Phase III

Near tragedy averted by Mike at Kaiser Willys Auto Supply, LLC. We sent our carburetor in for a professional rebuild. We expected it to be back in time for our season debut and our first show, June 23rd, the 4th of July parade, and our triumphal return to our first show (five years ago) the Meridian Park Classic Car Show. Kaiser Willys had a problem with their vendor and it delayed shipment for another month. When Mike heard about our dilemma he offered to loan us a new Solex Carb until our Carter WO was ready. Thanks for your above and beyond customer support Mike!
Added the Markings
Jun/11/2016 Filed in: Phase III

Yet again, another milestone; we painted the markings, establishing the correct military branch and hood number.
A Little Touch Up Paint
Jun/04/2016 Filed in: Phase III

We put another coat of paint on the Jeep to fix a few runs, nicks, and scratches.