August 2012
The Rolling Chassis
Aug/02/2012 Filed in: Phase III
![Photo of Jeep Rolling Chassis](rolling-chassis-sm.jpg)
We started the rebuild phase with a big crew. We had four of the six motor pool crew and Ray’s cousin James. Needless to say we got a lot accomplished. We were able to install the suspension, both axles, the tie rods, wheels, and engine. The build gave us a little trouble from time to time. We discovered that we had received the wrong u-bolts for the springs. We made due, however we will have to replace the rear bolts before we take it out on the road. We also will have to replace the wheel studs and lug-nuts as well. The brakes on the left front tire had seized making our plans for a “rolling” chassis impossible. After freeing the brakes we installed the tie rods, the engine, manifolds, and carb. What a great day! We are now ready to take it to a local car show and display our one year progress—as a rolling chassis.
Phase III - Rebuild
Aug/01/2012 Filed in: Phase III
![Photo of painted frame](phase-iii-starting.jpg)
Phase III, the most fun! We added parts, one by one until the restoration was complete. Our first priority was to get the rolling chassis complete. Basically everything that is not body related.
Getting Ready for Reassembly
Aug/01/2012 Filed in: Phase III
![Photo of cartoon](cartoon.jpg)
Next came the fun part—putting all the pieces back together!