Replaced Transfer Case Seal
Apr/04/2016 20:00 Filed in: Phase III

Replaced the transfer case rear output seal. It was leaking, probably due to sitting in the garage for 4 years and drying out. It would have been so much easier when the drive train was out!
New Douglas Connection
Apr/04/2016 18:00 Filed in: Phase III

The headlight wires and Douglas connections had to be replaced, the originals were old and cracked.
Engine Up and Running!
Apr/04/2016 18:00 Filed in: Phase III

The engine came back to life! This was a big milestone for our project. It took a little trouble shooting, some fresh coil and spark plug wires, along with some cranking.
Test Run Check List
Apr/04/2016 09:03 Filed in: Phase III

Prior to starting the engine we completed the following items:
* Adjust Pulley Belts • Fill Oil Bath Air Filter • Torque all bolts
• Prime Fuel Lines • Install Battery • Check all Electrical Grounds
• Drain and refill Differentials • Install and fill Radiator
• Intall Fan Belts • Hook up Manual Throttle • Fill Engine Oil
• Hook up Manual Choke • Drain and fill Transmission
More Parts Installed
Apr/04/2016 18:00 Filed in: Phase III

Completed a number of tasks including installation of the the Slave Cable Plug Connector, the Hand Brake assembly and the Choke and Throttle Cable hook-up.
Installed the Rebuilt Fuel Pump
Apr/04/2016 18:00 Filed in: Phase III

Installed the rebuilt fuel pump. We bought a correct “working” military fuel pump from eBay, but decided to rebuild it—just in case. When we bought the jeep it came with a “Bubba” electric fuel pump setup probably from a CJ.
E-Brake Prep and Gear Oil Change
Apr/04/2016 18:00 Filed in: Phase III

Started prepping the e-brake assembly and finished changing the gear oil in the transfer case and transmission. It was in pretty bad condition. Water gushed out ahead of the oil. It must have been a long time between oil changes.
Changed Differntial Oil
Apr/04/2016 20:00 Filed in: Phase III

We changed the differential oil front and back. The oil must have been in there a long time because it was pitch black and sludgy. Defiantly time for a change.