Phase IV
Prep for Winter Storage

We prepared the Jeep for an eight month storage. We filled the gas tank, added a preservative to the fuel, slightly over inflated the tires, covered seats and put it on wheel dollies. We’ll put a car cover over the Jeep and let it hibernate for the winter—kind of sad.
Last Outing for the Season

We took the jeep out for its last outing before putting it away for its long winter’s nap. It seemed appropriate to go back to Dick’s Drive In, the same place we went to on the frist trip of the season.
Replaced Solex Carb

We replaced the loaner Solex Carburetor with the rebuilt period correct Carter WO Carburetor.
Water Pump Problem

The water pump was squeeling like a greased pig! It needed to be rebuilt. We sent it in to “Army Jeep Parts. Inc.” for a complete rebuild. It’s the best way to be sure the pump will fit properly.
Exhaust Leak

We discovered an exhaust leak where the exhaust pipe joins the manifold. You can see the carbon residue on the gasket.