October 2016
Carb Fuel Connection
Oct/12/2016 Filed in: Phase IV

Completed the fuel line connection to the Carter WO Carburetor.
Replaced Solex Carb
Oct/10/2016 Filed in: Phase IV

We replaced the loaner Solex Carburetor with the rebuilt period correct Carter WO Carburetor.
Water Pump Problem
Oct/08/2016 Filed in: Phase IV

The water pump was squeeling like a greased pig! It needed to be rebuilt. We sent it in to “Army Jeep Parts. Inc.” for a complete rebuild. It’s the best way to be sure the pump will fit properly.
Exhaust Leak
Oct/07/2016 Filed in: Phase IV

We discovered an exhaust leak where the exhaust pipe joins the manifold. You can see the carbon residue on the gasket.