August 2011
Tub Removed
Aug/27/2011 18:00 Filed in: Phase I

We made our goal. The tub was removed. We put it aside for awhile. The plan was to focus on the chassis, running gear, and engine.
The Carriage Bolts
Aug/27/2011 14:00 Filed in: Phase I

No surprise, the carriage bolts were rusted, fused and unwilling to cooperate. In some cases Raymond broke them off with his super strength, some bolts were ground off, and others were coaxed out with a good soaking of PB Blaster! (See Learning Curve for more detail)
Removing the Steering Wheel
Aug/27/2011 13:00 Filed in: Phase I

Part of the fun of restoring a vehicle is learning about the mechanics from the inside out. For example, as part of our learning curve we used manual diagrams, intuition, and a wrench or two to remove the steering wheel.
Teresa AKA Rosie
Aug/27/2011 11:00 Filed in: Phase I

Our very own “Rosie the Riveter” Teresa, helped us remove parts, label them, and prepare the jeep for tub removal.
Removing Parts
Aug/27/2011 05:10 Filed in: Phase I

The next morning the rest of the crew arrived and we began removing parts connected to the tub. Our goal was to remove the tub by the end of the day.
Guard Assembly
Aug/26/2011 15:00 Filed in: Phase I

The last part we removed Friday evening was the Guard Assembly, as one might expect it had one of those bolts that refused our wrench. We had to cut it off.
Fender Removal
Aug/26/2011 13:00 Filed in: Phase I

The fenders were the next major body parts we removed. We knew we had crossed the point of no return. We couldn’t help but think of the day when we would be putting the fully restored fenders back on the Jeep. Little did we know it would be five years later!
Labeling the Parts
Aug/26/2011 11:00 Filed in: Phase I

We were careful to photograph and label each part; identifying the condition, bagging them, and putting them a storage container.
Dismantling Began
Aug/26/2011 09:00 Filed in: Phase I
Ray joined the group, and the serious dismantling began. After removing the hood we started working our way backwards starting with the headlights.
Garage Setup
Aug/26/2011 08:30 Filed in: Phase I

Before beginning the breakdown Bob and Ron finished preparing the garage. They added a 240v outlet for the welder and future air compressor. They also added hooks for the “Come Alongs” used to help remove the tub.
Parts Shed Built
Aug/09/2011 16:00 Filed in: Phase I

Although we had lots of fun driving the “As-Is” version; it was soon time to get busy. We built a parts shed to store the thousands of parts for restoring and/or replacing while we continued Phase I; dismantling the jeep and restoring the parts. We started the tear-down the weekend of August 26th and 27th, 2011.